Before you start - Please read this information carefully
By submitting an online enrolment you are agreeing with the school policies and enrolment declarations. Click on 'View Docs' button to read these.
An application requires several documents to be uploaded at the time of submission. These documents must be in .pdf or .jpeg format and can be documents held by parents/caregivers. The documents you will require are:
Birth certificate OR passport photo page
Proof of address eg phone, electricity bill or tenancy agreement (Council rates accounts are not acceptable)
Immunisation certificate (available from your doctor free of charge)
If your child is not a New Zealand citizen we will also require:
Proof of residency OR
Visa allowing them to study as a domestic student
Please ensure you have all additional documentation completed and saved on your computer
before starting your application.
Online Enrolment Form
Click here to fill in our online enrolment form (this must be completed for every student)
If you would like to apply for your child to be placed in the Bilingual, GaTE or Sports class please also complete the application form in button below: Applications will close 22 November for 2025. Applications after this date will be placed on a waiting list for vacancies
To apply to the Bilingual class, click here.
To apply to the (GaTE) Gifted and Talented Education class, click here.
To apply to the Sports class, click here.
If you have any information regarding your child that is not captured in the online application, but
you wish to share, please call the office to make an appointment with one of our Senior Leaders.